Continuing the Journey: Stepping into Transformation with The Awakening Soul™
In my previous blog, we delved into Automaton 2.0™, the foundational stage of Modern Consciousness®. This aspect represents a state where we find ourselves running on autopilot and often also running on empty. It’s a state in which our schedules and activities create the momentum in our lives versus intentionality. We’re just trying to keep up with what is already in motion. In Automaton 2.0™, we are driven by deeply engrained habits and beliefs. Life may feel repetitive and disconnected from our deepest desires. We keep going, searching for sustained fulfillment and happiness, yet we seem to only experience fleeting moments of true joy.
Automaton 2.0™ is both a reflection of our human design—efficient yet limiting—and the fertile ground from which the seeds of transformation begin to grow. If you missed the previous blog post about this aspect of Modern Consciousness®, I invite you to read it here.
Transitioning from Automaton 2.0™ to The Awakening Soul™
As the seeds of transformation begin to form in Automaton 2.0™, one may feel a deep internal stirring—a curiosity about how others seem to live with greater purpose, joy, and fulfillment. We start to wonder, “What do they know that I don’t?” We also begin to listen more closely to the inner voice that’s whispering, “There must be more to life than this.”
After all, we’ve done everything we thought would lead to lasting happiness, yet we find ourselves trapped in a perpetual cycle, unable to break free from our daily routines. For some, this curiosity and inner prompting becomes the motivation for exploring new possibilities and seeking a life that resonates more deeply with our truest desires.
For others, the catalyst that propels them out of Automaton 2.0™ may be more urgent—they may experience a crisis that shakes the very foundation of their lives. Whether it’s a major life change, a serious health issue, or the realization that we are deeply dissatisfied with the status quo of our lives, these crises can force us to confront the gap between where we are and where we want to be and jolt us into action.
Whether driven by a crisis, curiosity, or the search for deeper meaning, these experiences propel us out of the automatic patterns of Automaton 2.0™ and into the expansive, transformative journey of The Awakening Soul™.
Embracing The Awakening Soul™
Most begin their journey into the next aspect of Modern Consciousness®, The Awakening Soul™, by cautiously dipping their toe into a vast sea of knowledge. This stage isn’t about a spiritual quest, but rather about an inner knowing that one can break free from the limitations of their current understanding and broaden their personal worldview. They aren’t sure where to start exactly, but they start. They buy a book, enroll in a seminar, subscribe to a motivational podcast.
Awakening Souls are seekers of knowledge. I firmly believe that peace of mind is our greatest asset, and that knowledge is the essential prerequisite for attaining it. That’s why this is such an important aspect of Modern Consciousness®.

In The Awakening Soul™, knowledge forms the foundation upon which one begins to chart a winding path to inner peace. I say ‘winding’ as The Awakening Soul™ is a process of exploration and experimentation. We might find ourselves drawn to different teachers, philosophies, or practices, each offering a new lens through which to view our lives. It’s a time of gathering information and insights, trying on new ideas, and seeing what truly resonates with who we are becoming.
By broadening our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, we start to move beyond the limited views that kept us stuck in old patterns. This phase is about opening our minds, challenging our existing beliefs, and discovering new ways of thinking that align more closely with our values and desires. It’s about reacquainting ourselves with how we want to feel about our lives, beyond the achievements, accolades, and external trappings. I find that people in Automaton 2.0™ are often still executing decisions made years ago, without realizing that what they desire in this season of life has changed. They simply haven’t paused long enough to recognize this misalignment, yet it’s often the root cause of their frustration! The Awakening Soul™ steps fully into unraveling what is, to gain a deeper understanding of what they wish to become.
The Awakening Soul™ embarks on a journey of rediscovery and transformation. This aspect of Modern Consciousness® is not just about absorbing knowledge but about applying it in ways that transform our daily lives. After all, knowledge without action is meaningless.

As we gain knowledge and expand our understanding, our perspectives and behaviors begin to shift, and with that, our actions start to align more closely with our authentic selves. The Awakening Soul™ is about actively applying knowledge to navigate life with greater intentionality. Along the way, we become equipped with the tools and wisdom that help us create a more fulfilling and joyful existence.
As we continue to learn and grow, we cultivate essential character strengths like critical thinking, open-mindedness, and emotional regulation, alongside virtues such as resilience, gratitude, and compassion. By actively applying these new beliefs, habits, and strengths in our lives, we begin to gain proficiency in areas that once felt challenging. Over time, these qualities solidify, forming the bedrock of our journey and providing us with a more stable foundation for facing life’s challenges with greater ease. The Awakening Soul™ thus becomes a practical, accessible stage of personal evolution, inviting everyone to break free from the past and step into a new way of being—one that is informed by knowledge, guided by wisdom, and aligned with the pursuit of a more peaceful and fulfilling life.
As part of this transformation, we also begin to naturally distance ourselves from situations that bring drama and chaos. Instead, we choose environments and people that nurture our growth and well-being. This shift allows us to create a life that is not only more peaceful and fulfilling but also aligned with the true essence of who we are becoming.

The Awakening Soul™: A Pivotal Shift
The Awakening Soul™ represents a pivotal shift from living on autopilot to actively engaging with your inner world. It’s a stage marked by heightened awareness, where you begin to question your current circumstances and recognize that your habitual patterns, while once comfortable, may no longer serve your expanding growth or happiness. This realization prompts one to seek a deeper understanding of themselves, their relationships, and the world around them.
As one journeys deeper into this stage, they often find inspiration and guidance from those who have walked this path before them—through books, mentors, teachers, or practices that resonate with them. This is a time of healing and growth, where one starts to adopt new perspectives, habits, and thought patterns. The process involves rewiring old, limiting beliefs that have kept them bound to situations that no longer serve their best and highest, allowing them to cultivate a more satisfying inner life that naturally begins to reflect in their external world.
However, this phase is not without its challenges. Long-suppressed emotions and past experiences may surface, requiring one to confront and release them in order to move forward. This can be a period of intense emotional work, but it’s also one of great liberation. By peeling back the layers of our past conditioning, we create space for new possibilities to emerge. It’s a rite of passage and there is some excavation work to be done.
For some, this stage may include a draw toward spiritual exploration—seeking a deeper connection with the source. Practices like meditation, energy work, or other forms of spiritual inquiry can become essential tools for personal transformation, helping to ground us in the present moment and navigate this stage with greater clarity and intention. There are many more benefits to connecting with spirit, God (or the Great Overall Designer as a friend of mine calls him), the Universe, Creator. Whatever term you choose to use! Engaging in conversations with our higher selves and a higher power opens the door to synchronicities, profound insights, guidance, and even miracles!
The Awakening Soul™ also calls for an essential mindset of openness, curiosity, and non-judgment. This approach is not just beneficial but crucial, as it lays the foundation for our continued growth and transformation. By cultivating emotional regulation and self-awareness, we begin to navigate our lives with more intention, preparing ourselves for the next stage: becoming an Illuminated Adept™.
Looking Ahead to the Illuminated Adept™
As we continue to embrace all the wonder of The Awakening Soul™, we prepare ourselves for the next stage of Modern Consciousness®: becoming an Illuminated Adept™. This stage builds upon the foundation of knowledge, self-awareness, and other skills cultivated in The Awakening Soul™ and takes it to a new level of mastery and continuous growth. In my next blog, we will explore how this phase deepens our journey and further aligns our lives with our highest aspirations.
Are You Ready to Transform Your Life?
Embark on a journey of self-discovery with our free Workbook: Charting Your Treasure Map to Joy™. This guide is packed with insightful exercises designed to help you identify and manage your emotional triggers, paving the way for personal growth. Download your free copy today and start transforming your emotional landscape into one of peace, joy, and authenticity.