Picking Up Where We Left Off: Understanding Automaton 2.0™
In my last blog, I introduced the concept of Modern Consciousness® and provided a broad overview of the four unique states of being, or aspects, that guide this transformative journey. Now, let’s dive deeper into the first of these states: Automaton 2.0™. This stage is where many of us find ourselves, operating on autopilot, often without even realizing it. But what exactly does it mean to be in this state, and why is it so common?
What is Automaton 2.0™?
Automaton 2.0™ is the foundational stage in the journey of conscious evolution the Modern Consciousness® way. The term “automaton,” dating back to the 1610s, describes a machine designed to automatically follow a pre-determined sequence of operations that responds to encoded instructions in response to different. Automaton is defined in modern dictionaries as a self-operating mechanism, especially a robot, or a person who acts in a mechanical way.
In the context of Modern Consciousness®, Automaton 2.0™ refers to people acting in a habitual way with little or no conscious thought. We just continue doing what we’ve always done. We as humans are all creatures of habit. We are actually designed that way!
Understanding Habit Formation: Simple and Natural
Our tendency to form habits isn’t just a psychological quirk; it’s also deeply rooted in how our bodies work. Our brains have special areas that help automate our behavior, making it easier to perform routine tasks without thinking about them. When we repeat a behavior enough times, it becomes automatic, stored in a part of the brain called the basal ganglia. This is like our brain’s way of putting things on autopilot, saving us energy and brainpower for more important tasks. It’s actually designed to work for us, not against us.
How does the process of ‘automating’ ourselves benefit us? Here are just a few…
- Conserving Energy and Creating Efficiency
Habits help us save mental energy. Once a habit is formed, we don’t have to think about it much, freeing up our minds for more complex tasks. This efficiency means we can focus on things that require more thought and creativity that stimulate or challenge our mental capacity. - Creating Predictability and Safety
Habits give us a sense of predictability and control. Knowing what to expect helps us feel safe and secure. This predictability is a survival mechanism that dates back to early humans, who relied on routines to stay safe from dangers. See? This stuff goes way back in our human history. It’s part of our overall human design. - Facilitating Learning and Adaptation
Repeating actions helps us master skills. Take driving, for example. Once you’ve learned how, it becomes second nature. You don’t have to consciously think about every step. When you see a red light, you instinctively know to stop the car and how to do it without much thought or effort on your part. The pattern of braking has become automatic. Through repetition, we also learn what works and what doesn’t, enabling us to respond more effectively to different situations.
Our brains are geniuses at automating many tasks! When we repeat an action, it creates a pathway in our brain, making the behavior easier and faster to execute requiring even less thought. Anyway, there are many mechanisms that contribute to this amazing human ability, but let’s move on to the next topic which is more personal.
Our Unique Habits and Perspectives
Having explored why we’re naturally habitual creatures, let’s delve into how our personal habits are formed, especially our habitual beliefs and perspectives. Something I often call our personal worldview.
From the moment we are born, we are shaped by a myriad of influences. As helpless infants, we rely entirely on our caregivers to teach us how to navigate the world. This early dependence sets the stage for a lifelong process of learning and adaptation.
From our earliest days, we’re immersed in a world of teachings and experiences that shape our understanding of life. Our families, cultures, schools, and other institutions play significant roles in instilling a set of beliefs and norms. We’re taught what is right and wrong, what is expected of us, what success is, what failure is, what beauty is, how to express our emotions (or not), and how to fit into society. These teachings often become deeply ingrained, forming the foundation of our habitual beliefs and responses.
As we grow, our personal experiences further shape our views and reactions. The successes we achieve, the challenges we face, and the relationships we build all contribute to our worldview. Every experience, big or small, leaves an imprint, influencing how we perceive and interact with every single thing in the world around us.
This process is natural and necessary. It provides us with a framework to navigate life, offering stability and guidance. However, these habitual beliefs and perspectives can also limit us if left unexamined. They can create a narrow view of the world, preventing us from seeing new possibilities or embracing change.
Recognizing that these habits and beliefs are shaped by our past experiences is the first step toward growth. By becoming aware of the influences that have molded us, we can start to question and, if needed, reshape them. This awareness opens the door to greater understanding and the potential for a more conscious and fulfilling life.
Okay, we’ve summarized why we are naturally habitual creatures and how our unique perspectives and beliefs are formed, now let’s get back to our discussion on the aspect of Automaton 2.0™.

The Emotional Landscape of Automaton 2.0™
When you’re functioning at the level of Automaton 2.0™, your emotional landscape can be a bit of a mixed bag. You might find yourself stuck in a predictable routine, where every day feels a bit like a carbon copy of the last and, while routines can be comforting, they can also start to feel dull and uninspiring, leaving you thinking there simply must be more to life.
There’s often a sense of disconnection, both from yourself and the world around you. It’s like you’re just going through the motions, without really connecting to a deeper sense of purpose or meaning.
In the Automaton 2.0™ phase, individuals find themselves on an emotional spectrum that ranges from lower-vibrating feelings such as sadness and unworthiness to a frenetic pace of life filled with busyness, achievements, and temporary highs. Despite these highs, there’s an underlying sense of frustration, a feeling that these peaks are fleeting and unsustainable. This stage often sees individuals caught in the whirlwind of their daily lives, struggling to keep up with the relentless momentum of their existing commitments and routines. Rather than consciously steering their life’s future direction, they are executing past programming and decisions made earlier in life — career paths, family decisions, and other choices. It can feel a bit like you’re captive on a runaway train, unable to stop or change direction.
It’s also important to note that, as we journey through life, our values and priorities naturally evolve. When our current reality no longer reflects these changes perspectives, it leads to a sense of misalignment and frustration. The dissonance between our evolved values and our present circumstances is another key driver in the quest for a more intentional and fulfilling life path.
There’s also stress and overwhelm, especially if you’re juggling various responsibilities, and who isn’t? It can feel like you’re constantly busy but not necessarily fulfilled, leading to a sense of being trapped in your current situation. This can also bring about doubt and self-criticism, making you question whether you’re on the right path or have made the right choices.
Despite all this, there’s usually a quiet yearning for something more. Maybe it’s a desire for deeper connections, a more meaningful life, or just a change from the status quo. It’s that little voice inside you saying, “There’s more to life than this,” nudging you to seek out something different and more fulfilling. You simply don’t know what that might be, let alone figure how that might be created in your life.
Overall, living in Automaton 2.0 can feel like you’re stuck in a loop of ‘doing’ without really ‘being.’ It’s a state of existence that’s “good enough” on the surface but lacks the depth and satisfaction that comes from truly engaging with life.
The Seeds of Transformation are Sown
While one may feel ‘stuck’ in the state of Automaton 2.0™, it’s also the perfect place for the seeds of transformation to take root. The frustration and yearning for something more that you experience in this stage are actually signs that your inner self, your higher self, is ready for change. These feelings, while uncomfortable, are valuable indicators that you’re beginning to question your current path and desire a deeper connection to life.
This sense of dissatisfaction can act as a catalyst, if you allow it to, pushing you to explore new possibilities and question the life you are living today. You begin to see the cracks in in the façade of a life lived on autopilot and begin to imagine what a more intentional and fulfilling life might look like. You begin to desire to shift from a state of ‘doing’ to one of ‘being.’ You decide that, instead of just going through the motions, you wish to begin consciously creating your experience, to be fully present in your life, rather than feeling like an outside observer wondering if you should just jump off the train.

I’d like to add something here which is this: choosing to ignore the feeling that there must be something more to life than you’re currently experiencing, is not recommended. When we ignore that still small voice within us, it gets louder. And louder. And louder. If ignored, one can continue to expand negative emotions such as resentment and frustration or we are met with a full-blown crisis. Think of it as a balloon filling with air. It eventually reaches a breaking point and explodes. So, I highly recommend voluntarily and consciously moving beyond Automaton 2.0!
Moving Beyond Automaton 2.0
Moving beyond Automaton 2.0 is about making conscious choices and breaking free from the cycle of doing things because “that’s the way it’s always been done” or “that’s just the way I am” and instead, choosing a path that feels authentic and meaningful to you. This shift often requires courage and a willingness to embrace uncertainty, but it’s a crucial step towards a more fulfilling and intentional life.
As you become more aware of the patterns that have kept you in a state of Automaton 2.0™, you can start to dismantle them and create new, more empowering habits. This process is not always easy, but it’s incredibly rewarding. It opens up a new world of possibilities and allows you to start living a life that feels true to who you are at your core.
In this way, the experience of Automaton 2.0™ is not just a phase to endure but a vital part of your journey. It’s a stage that provides essential lessons and sets the groundwork for propelling you into the next aspect of Modern Consciousness®—the Awakening Soul™. Recognizing and embracing the need for transformation can be the beginning of a journey towards greater self-awareness, purpose, and fulfillment.
As we move forward, reflect on where you are in your journey. Are you starting to feel the stirring of change? If so, that’s a powerful sign that you’re ready to step out of the Automaton 2.0™ state and into a more conscious way of living.
In the next blog, we’ll dive into the exciting realm of the Awakening Soul™, where we’ll explore how to build upon the foundation laid in Automaton 2.0™ and embrace a more intentional life. Stay tuned for more on this transformative journey!
Are You Ready to Transform Your Life?
Embark on a journey of self-discovery with our free Workbook: Charting Your Treasure Map to Joy™. This guide is packed with insightful exercises designed to help you identify and manage your emotional triggers, paving the way for personal growth. Download your free copy today and start transforming your emotional landscape into one of peace, joy, and authenticity.