Stacie Shifflett:

Collaborative Engagements, Insightful Conversations and Compelling Writing

Welcome to the dynamic and transformative world of Stacie Shifflett, the visionary founder of Modern Consciousness® and a lifelong advocate for conscious living, personal transformation, and the art of reinvention. With self-actualization as one of her guiding principles, Stacie has naturally embodied the role of the ‘Queen of Reinvention,’ navigating life with a unique blend of insight, resilience, and a forward-thinking mindset.

Stacie’s journey is marked not by the challenges she has faced but by her innate ability to continuously evolve, adapt, and transform. This intrinsic part of her character has fueled her passion for guiding others on their paths to self-discovery and meaningful change. Open to a variety of collaborative engagements, Stacie seeks to inspire, educate, and connect through a multitude of platforms and mediums.

Engagement Opportunities:

  • Panel Participation: Stacie brings thoughtful and engaging perspectives to panel discussions, especially in areas of personal growth, conscious living, and navigating life transitions with grace and resilience.
  • Podcast Guest Appearances: With a rich history of impactful conversations, Stacie is an ideal guest for media shows focusing on personal development, resilience, and the principles of conscious living.
  • Collaborative Events: Whether co-hosting a seminar, webinar, or workshop, Stacie is eager to partner with like-minded individuals and organizations in endeavors that resonate with her expertise and values.
  • Interactive Discussions: Perfect for smaller groups or clubs seeking an engaging and insightful speaker, Stacie offers interactive sessions that foster deep reflection and meaningful dialogue.
  • Magazine Articles and Guest Blogging: Stacie lends her voice and insights to written pieces, enriching your audience’s understanding of personal growth, conscious entrepreneurship, and the journey of self-actualization.
  • Co-Authoring Opportunities: Open to collaborative writing projects, Stacie can contribute to works that reflect her deep knowledge and experience in fostering personal and collective transformation.
  • Content Creation for Events and Programs: Enhance your events with Stacie’s ability to create compelling, insightful content that adds depth and value to the participant experience.

Explore Key Topics with Stacie:

  • Navigating Life’s Transitions with Resilience
  • Reinventing Yourself at Any Age
  • Modern Consciousness®: Living Intentionally and Mindfully
  • Emotional Triggers:  A Treasure Map to Internal Peace
  • The Journey of Self-Actualization and Personal Growth
  • Conscious Entrepreneurship and Leadership

Collaboration Inquiry:

Stacie is excited to explore collaborative opportunities that provide mutual value. For inquiries and to discuss potential partnerships or guest appearances, please reach out through the following contact channels:

Note to Organizers and Hosts: Stacie is in the process of developing her keynote speaking portfolio and is enthusiastic about participating in events that offer growth and learning opportunities. She welcomes invitations for collaborative and mutually beneficial engagements.